

Author: H.M. Ward

Publication: November 10th, 2011

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Description: Ivy's life is torn apart when her plan to save Collin goes horribly wrong. Having descended into the deepest pits of Hell, she risks everything to save him, but nothing could have prepared her for what she encounters. Weak and wounded, Ivy must overturn her dark destiny and face the possibility that she may lose true love forever.
Via GoodReads.

My Review:

Writing reviews for the Demon Kissed series, I'm starting to feel like a broken record. How many times do I have to explain how amazing these books are? Like its predecessors, Torn is a thrilling read. Bursting with action, unexpected twists, and powerful characters, it kept me reading without stop until the end.

There were multiple occasions while reading Torn that I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Constantly, Ivy was fighting for her life against the evils that stalk her. Many authors seem to have an irrevocable fear of putting their characters in any sort of actual danger, but that is not the case with H.M. Ward. There was never a point in the book that Ivy was safe. And if I wasn't getting caught up in the unending action and suspense, I was having my mind blown by a new plot twist. Things would happen that would take me completely off guard, leaving me with my mouth hanging open and my heart beating wildly. I loved it! So many times while reading books I find myself guessing what will happen spot-on, chapters ahead. I never had that problem with Torn, and it seems to be a trade mark of the Demon Kissed series as a whole. Another constant of the series is the amazing characters.

How can so many terrible things happen to one person? But they continue to happen for Ivy, and instead of succombing to her fear and taking the fetile postion in a closet somewhere (as I would likely do in her situation), she remains the strong and caring heroine that I love. Ivy does have a bit of a trust issue, however. Whether she was keeping things from them to keep them safe or because she was unsure of where their loyalties lie, Ivy often kept important information from the people that cared about her. While I sometimes wished she would "spill the beans", I understood her reasoning. And after all that she has been through, after all the betrayals she has faced, it would be odd if she wasn't a bit wary. And one can never guess when there will be another unforeseen twist in the story and one of them does betray her.. Or try to capture and kill her for turning them Valefar.

In Cursed, Ivy accidentally turned Eric into a Valefar. Sweet, caring, cute Eric. Now a crazy, sadistic, undeniably attractive monster. Talk about fun reading! He was cruel and did things unimaginable to the person that he once was. Eric once cared for and protected Ivy, but now, all bets are off. It was very fun to read and I soaked up every word of it. Eric isn't Ivy's only Valefar friend that is dangerous though. Collin, Ivy's love and soul mate, is now a wild card after what she saw in Kreturus' cave at the end of Cursed. Is he still possessed, and would Kreturus hear and use her secrets against her if she told them to Collin? It's no wonder Ivy keeps secrets.

While I pinky promise not to give anything away, I will warn you about the end. H.M. Ward likes her drop-your-jaw endings and Torn was no exception. In fact, I think I can safely say that Torn was the biggest cliffhanger yet. I won't say why, of course, but I would most definitely have the next book, Satan's Stone, at the ready if you want to keep your sanity.

Torn was yet another amazing addition to the Demon Kissed series. It continued the refreshingly original story with the same Demon Kissed trademark of constant excitement and things that conpletely blindside you, all in its alluringly dark packaging that many books greatly lack.

Summed Up:

Torn continued with the amazing storyline, non-stop action, characters I loved, and a great romance that defines one of my favorite series. The ending was the biggest cliffhanger of them all though! It should be noted that it does have some small grammer errors.

Demon Kissed Series

Review for #1: Demon Kissed
Review for #2: Cursed
Review for #3: Torn
Review for #4: Satan's Stone
Review for #5: The 13th Prophecy

About the Author

Linny is the 18 year old girl and self-proclaimed mastermind behind Linny's Literature. She enjoys reading, designing, and spending time with her family. Learn more about her on the Meet Linny page.
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