

Author: H.M. Ward

Publication: August 27th, 2011

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Description: Ivy's on her way to kick ass and save Collin from the horrors of the Underworld. Along the way she discovers that the truth won't set her free. Deep-seated deception leads Ivy closer to her destiny. But, being queen of the demons is not the destiny she wants. Ivy will have to overcome lust, power, and love if she wants to survive. Via GoodReads.

My Review:

Cursed, the second installment in the Demon Kissed series, did not disappoint. Like the first book, it was filled with action and thrill that didn't fizzle out like some books do after the first. Exciting things happened from the beginning to the end! Not only does the action continue full-force, but I also continue to adore the characters, especially Ivy.

Ivy's life does NOT get any easier, but she remains strong and does what she has to do to save herself and the people that she cares about - very refreshing for a female lead. To save Collin from the evil clutches of the Demon King, Ivy has to travel to the Underworld. Go to the Underworld, full of demons and other unimaginable evils? Ivy doesn't even think twice about it to save the one she loves. I saw a review that claimed she was whiny.. and I do not see it. Was she upset about the cards she was dealt? Hell yeah! For all that she has gone through and has yet to go through, a comment every now and then about how she's a little bitter is amazing - if this happened to me I would probably just call it quits and curl up in a ball on the floor. Ivy is a role model for us all. And while she does make some mistakes, who doesn't? The choices that she make are realistic and understandable, and that only makes me love her more. Like in Demon Kissed, I almost feel as if I am Ivy as I read, filled with her emotions and just as utterly shocked when there is a plot twist. This is one of my favorite parts about the Demon Kissed series, along with it's originality, action, and unpredictability.

You know when you're reading and you tell yourself, "I'll put this down as soon as they get past this exciting part"? Well I never really got the chance to put Cursed down. Like I said in my review of Demon Kissed, this book was written a little strangely in the fact that there was non-stop action and important events. Usually books build suspense and drag things out for chapters, and there was some build up in the beginning, but not much. Again, this turned out to be a major plus as the story never grows dull and always keeps you on your toes. On top of the action, there are numerous plot twists, none of which I saw coming from a mile away. It is so exhilarating to read a book and have no idea what is going to happen. Like the ending.. did not see that coming. I won't tell you what it is, but I will say that I am extremelly pleased that I have the next book, Torn, and don't have to wait a second before finding out what happens next.

While reading, I did come across a couple very minor spelling/grammar errors. This happened very little, but I thought I should mention it for the perfectionists out there. Example: "bod" instead of "bad", only noticed it by chance. They were very minor things and in no way made this book any less grand.

The story remained original and exciting, living up to my expectaitons after the first book. The characters that I love, like Ivy, Collin, Eric, and Al, all continue to hold my heart as well. I absolutely loved Cursed, and definitely recommend it and the entire Demon Kissed series.

Summed Up:

Cursed continued with the amazing storyline, non-stop action, characters I loved, and a great romance. On top of that, it leaves you with a big cliffhanger. It should be noted that it does have some small grammer errors though.

Demon Kissed Series

Review for #1: Demon Kissed
Review for #2: Cursed
Review for #3: Torn
Review for #4: Satan's Stone
Review for #5: The 13th Prophecy

About the Author

Linny is the 18 year old girl and self-proclaimed mastermind behind Linny's Literature. She enjoys reading, designing, and spending time with her family. Learn more about her on the Meet Linny page.
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