I'm always on the lookout for some nice freebies, and if I find some good ones I will post them here.
Grab 'em quick though - I honestly have no idea how long the sale on these babies will last.

Title: Glimpse (Zellie Wells #1)

Author: Stacey Wallace Benefiel

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Thoughts: Frey was actually on my to-read list before I found out it was free, I joined the giveaway on GoodReads and everything. And then what do you know, it's free on Amazon! Very pleasant surprise and I'm here to share it with you. As usual, since I stumbled across this I have no idea how long the sale will last.

Title: Glimpse (Zellie Wells #1)

Author: Stacey Wallace Benefiel

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Thoughts: Isn't that cover lovely? No offense, but more times than not the indie books that are free usually don't have the most eye pleasing covers. But I love this one. And the premise of visions and forbidden love has potential. One of those stories that will be really good, or terribly bad. I guess we'll find out!

Title: Beautiful Demons (Peachville High Demons #1)

Author: Sarra Cannon

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Thoughts: Another surprisingly pretty cover from an on-sale indie book. I don't like it quite as much as the Glimpse cover, but it's still definitely nice. And this one has demons! As you know, demons happen to be one of my favorite type of fantasy beings in books. 

Title: Stray (Touchstone #1)

Author: Andrea K. Höst

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Thoughts: Stray is another survival book, but with the added twist of accidentally going through a wormhole into another world. Sounds like fun to me! The cover isn't very appealing though, which does put me off. But you know that old saying about no judging a book by it's cover. And hey, it's free!

About the Author

Linny is the 18 year old girl and self-proclaimed mastermind behind Linny's Literature. She enjoys reading, designing, and spending time with her family. Learn more about her on the Meet Linny page.
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