

Author: Lauren Kate

Publication: December 8th, 2009

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Description: There’s something achingly familiar about Daniel Grigori.

Mysterious and aloof, he captures Luce Price’s attention from the moment she sees him on her first day at the Sword & Cross boarding school in sultry Savannah, Georgia. He’s the one bright spot in a place where cell phones are forbidden, the other students are all screw-ups, and security cameras watch every move.

Even though Daniel wants nothing to do with Luce–and goes out of his way to make that very clear–she can’t let it go. Drawn to him like a moth to a flame, she has to find out what Daniel is so desperate to keep secret . . . even if it kills her.

Via GoodReads.

My Review:

Everyone told me Fallen was terrible, reviews and friends alike. However, I kept finding myself drawn to that beautiful cover, picking up the book and imagining what kind of story could match something that looked so lovely. I finally broke down and bought it, despite what I was told about the book. Well, we all know the saying "don't judge a book by it's cover".. This book fell flat in almost every way concivibly possible.

It took me almost a month to read this book. A month. It was that bad. Fallen was an impressive 452 pages and not a lot happened in any of them. Steph Su from GoodReads gives a fabulous description of this: "If the plot of Fallen were to race a glacier, the glacier would win." Not only was the story painfully slow, but it was poorly written. The POV was jumpy, leaving me unsure as to whether it was first person or third person. Things were often left unexplained, like why a bunch of angels were hanging out at a school for screw-ups. It was also full of errors and choppy, often leaving me confused as to how characters had moved from one scene to the other. Another part of the poor writing was the poorly created characters. Many of them lacked personalities and were inconsistent. But I hated the main character, Lucinda Price, most. She was flat, pathetic, and annoying.

After locking eyes with a good-looking guy on the first day of school and he gives you the middle finger, what is a girl to do but become obsessed with him? At least, that's what Lucinda does in Fallen. Our love interest, Daniel Grigori, continues to treat Lucinda like trash through the book, so Lucinda starts stalking him. And what would a bad YA book be without a bad love triangle? Besides Daniel-Douche, there was Cam. I honestly wanted her to go with Cam. Sweet and totally hot. But no, her and Cam weren't starcrossed lovers for the last few hundred years or whatever the poorly written excuse was for Lucinda and Daniel belonging together.

After finally finishing Fallen, I looked a little like the girl on the beautiful cover, hanging my head in sorrow and asking myself why I had just wasted a month of my life. With all of the terrible qualities of Twilight times ten, Fallen is a definite skip. I will not be continuing this series. Ever.

Summed Up:

The only thing that I liked about Fallen was the beautiful cover. The writing was bad and confusing, the story was extremelly slow, and I didn't like any of the characters or the romance.

About the Author

Linny is the 18 year old girl and self-proclaimed mastermind behind Linny's Literature. She enjoys reading, designing, and spending time with her family. Learn more about her on the Meet Linny page.
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