Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that
spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Title: The Forsaken (The Forsaken #1)

Author: Lisa M. Stasse

Publication: July 10th, 2012

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Description: A thought-provoking and exciting start to a riveting new dystopian trilogy.

As an obedient orphan of the U.N.A. (the super-country that was once Mexico, the U.S., and Canada), Alenna learned at an early age to blend in and be quiet—having your parents taken by the police will do that to a girl. But Alenna can’t help but stand out when she fails a test that all sixteen-year-olds have to take: The test says she has a high capacity for brutal violence, and so she is sent to The Wheel, an island where all would-be criminals end up.

The life expectancy of prisoners on The Wheel is just two years, but with dirty, violent, and chaotic conditions, the time seems a lot longer as Alenna is forced to deal with civil wars for land ownership and machines that snatch kids out of their makeshift homes. Desperate, she and the other prisoners concoct a potentially fatal plan to flee the island. Survival may seem impossible, but Alenna is determined to achieve it anyway

Via GoodReads.

Why I'm Waiting:

I've been waiting for this bad boy since, like, January! And it's almost here guys! Very exciting. I mean, just read that description. Take a look at that cover. Forsaken looks and sounds amazing. I am all about the dystopians lately and this one sounds like it had some real thought put behind the storyline - not just another dystopian story idea plucked from the top of a writer's head to join the bandwagon. This one sounds unique and exciting. And for how amazing this book looks, I haven't heard nearly as much hype for this book going around as I think there should be. So, I just had to give those who haven't heard about it a heads up through the wonderful Waiting on Wednesday meme.

What are you guys waiting to read?

About the Author

Linny is the 18 year old girl and self-proclaimed mastermind behind Linny's Literature. She enjoys reading, designing, and spending time with her family. Learn more about her on the Meet Linny page.
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