I'm always on the lookout for some nice freebies, and if I find some good ones I will post them here.
Grab 'em quick though - I honestly have no idea how long the sale on these babies will last.

Title: Hollowland (The Hollows #1)

Author: Amanda Hocking

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Thoughts: Hurray for post-apocolypse and zombies! Some of my most favortie things. And it's written by Amanda Hocking, author of the very popular Trylle Trilogy and My Blood Approves series. I haven't actually read either of those series, but they're popular so that's got to mean something. Did I mention that this book has zombies?

Title: Overprotected

Author: Jennifer Laurens

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Thoughts: I don't usually (ever) read books that are Realistic Fiction/Contemporary because frankly, why would I read them when I could be reading something paranormal or fantasy. However, who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth? This book is free my darlings. Free. And for realistic fiction, it sounds like it could be a nice light read.

Title: Before (Heven and Hell #0.5)

Author: Cambria Hebert

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Thoughts: Before is the 45 page novella prequel to Masquerade, Heven and Hell #1. The description for Masquerade sounds great, plus  it's got an average rating on GoodReads of 4.19 stars. When I saw that Before, which also has a high average rating, was free, I thought why not? If it isn't any good, I won't spend any money on Masquerade and if it is, I would know that my hard earned allowance would not be wasted by buying it.

Title: Phantom Universe (Summer Chronicles #1)

Author: Laura Kreitzer

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Thoughts: It might just be me, but something about that cover just seems off to me. BUT we do not judge a book by its cover. And with a 4.04 rating on GoodReads, it seems especially wise not to judge with this one. Also, Phantom Universe is listed under time travel, dystopia, and pirates. Surely a book with all three of those in one story must be good.

About the Author

Linny is the 18 year old girl and self-proclaimed mastermind behind Linny's Literature. She enjoys reading, designing, and spending time with her family. Learn more about her on the Meet Linny page.
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