I'm always on the lookout for some nice freebies, and if I find some good ones I will post them here.
Grab 'em quick though - I honestly have no idea how long the sale on these babies will last.

Title: Summer's Crossing (Iron Fey #3.5)

Author: Julie Kagawa

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Thoughts: After doing my review for The Iron King, I found out it had two novellas: Winter's Passage (Iron Fey #1.5) and Summer's Crossing (Iron Fey #3.5). I don't usually bother with the little short stories inbetween books, especially when they're only 50 pages and regularly cost $3. But hey, it's free! Too bad Winter's Passage isn't on sale too.

Title: Descended By Blood (Vampire Born #1)

Author: Angeline Kace

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Thoughts: To be honest, my patience for the vampire genre is growing pretty thin, but this does sound interesting. Plus, it has an average rating of 4.10 stars on GoodReads, which is really good. Really good + Free = Count me in.

Title: Prison Nation

Author: Jenni Merritt

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Thoughts: This book hasn't gotten a lot of attention, but the total 12 ratings it got on GoodReads averaged at 4.23, so obviously they liked it. The synopse sounds like it could be a hit or miss for me, but definitely something new. I guess I'll be finding out since it's free!

Title: Betrayal (The Descendants #1)

Author: Mayandree Michel

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Thoughts: While this book doesn't have a perfect average rating on GoodReads, it's still a pretty good score. And this book has been getting quite a bit of attention lately. The storyline sounds interesting and I don't know if it's just me, but I like the cover - check out that dress!

Title: Anathema (Cloud Prophet Trilogy #1)

Author: Meg Jensen

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Thoughts: To be honest, the description doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. It's listed under magic, paranormal, dystopia, and romance thought - basically all my favorite ingrediants for a good book. And it's got a 3.91 rating on GoodReads to boot.

Title: Valefar Volume #1 (Demon Kissed Novella)

Author: H.M. Ward

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Thoughts: Last but certainly not least, is this little gem. I don't usually read prequels because I already know what will happen in the end, but since this was free, I can make an exception. It also helps that, as you should know, I'm a big fan of the Demon Kissed series. Get this one quick - I know for a fact that Valefar Volume #1 will only be free until March 27th.

About the Author

Linny is the 18 year old girl and self-proclaimed mastermind behind Linny's Literature. She enjoys reading, designing, and spending time with her family. Learn more about her on the Meet Linny page.
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